Wonderful Wednesday

Hey Wacky, Wonderful, Weird, Witty,  and Wanderlusted people it’s Wonderful Wednesday once again!

Today we celebrate the strange things that make us individuals, special and unique.

My motto;

“You can “pull off” anything you have the confidence to wear”

Now you’re thinking why is this weird, dreamers i’m not going to lie- its not.

But it is something wonderful.

I have friends that greet me in the morning saying things like ” I wish I can wear overalls like you” or “I wish I can pull off an outfit like that molly” – Well why the hell not?? Why can’t you wear that hat you want to wear? because you are afraid of people judging you for it? It’s not they’re skin that has to touch that velvet material, or their head thats wearing that ginormous floppy hat blocking view creating a dangerous environment- am I right dreamers?img_3165

Just fill your closet with clothing that makes you happy; orange and yellow dresses, feather shoes, furry vests and wacky sunglasses that fits your cravings for originality!


Do me a favour and keep that in mind dreamers.

xo Molly


Wonderful Wednesday!

Hey Dreamers!

It’s Wednesday, so lets get this started up again .. Wonderful Wednesdays!

Celebrate your weird and wacky side – because you are in fact wonderful, and Wednesday is hump day so thats pretty fantastic!

      This Wednesday i’d like to share our obtainment of Jupiter. “Jupiter” , or “Jupie” is our pet hedgehoq, which we acquired just after thanksgiving weekend. Before this I never thought of having a hedgehog… but once i saw her little grumpy face i knew i was hooked, she was a ball of prickly cuteness!!


She’s grumpy, she’s cute and that classic grumpy hedgehog “smile” is classic. 

    Of course before “acquiring” this new pet, my boyfriend and I did some significant research to confirm we could take on this miniature porcupine.. and in my studies I came across the hedgehog community. Did you know that there is a hedgehog convention? Which in fact lands you a place in the secret hedgehog society if you win first play? SAY WHAT!? Once jupiter is fully socialized.. this will be a “thing” in our household!!

     Jupiter came to us very skittish and since thanksgiving we’ve upgraded her cage using an old dresser- this allows her two levels of full hedgehog freedom, she’s litter trained  (Which is excellent, because I swear hedgehogs just don’t stop pooping. like ew.), is quite social and likes one of our cats! The goal was to let her roam around the house and be BFFs with the cat, but frankly she’s a pooping machine so thats not happening.

OH which is also why we don’t keep her wheel in her cage, we’re slowly training the grumpy hedge to not poop all over her wheel! EW. 


So moral of the jibber jabber is .. hedgehogs are cute, prickly, and poop way more than expected!!

oh.. and there is a hedgie secret service!


Any wacky animals habitating in your household? feel free to share!


Happy Wednesday!

                                                                                                    xo Molly







Wonderful Wednesday!

I’m So SO SO Happy It’s Wednesday!!!

I’m Too excited for Weird & Wacky, let’s just get to the Wonderful!

EEEP! 2 More days Till Camping in Pancake Bay!!!

That’s why i’m celebrating today! One more day of work Then BAM, 4 am on friday morning i’ll be on an 8 hour drive to Pancake bay … Where we’ll be eating pancakes of course! haha

Why are you celebrating today dreamers? 


XO Molly

Wonderful Wednesday!

Hey there dreamers,

It’s Wednesday!

Therefore you should be happy! you all know Wednesdays are Wonderful, Wacky and Weird! So no need to convince you that this is a time to Celebrate!

This year I’ve decided (not as a resolution.. just kind of a subconscious decision) that I would be more Open Minded and try a lot of new things. I wanted to do more with my time! I think deep down I knew this is what I wanted- even though I didn’t know at the time. It took from New Years till this week to realize my resolution.. which I think I’ve accomplished! I have done so many things that make me happy, and have things planned that I’m excited to do!

One of these ‘things’ was Belly Dancing!


I started Belly Dance in january and am still taking classes! I absolutely love it!!

I was on Pinterest one day back in January and a Shania Twain Song came on and instantly I had a flash back from when I was a little girl- dancing on the coffee table in the living room with my mom! She was teaching my how to do hip circles to Shania Twain! This memory has got to be one of my favourite things i’d do with my mom when I was younger! (oh wait.. we still do it.. hehe)

This flashback reminded me that I wanted to be a belly dancer when I was little

 I thought I should do it! So I went on kijiji (very spur of the moment) and looked up classes in barrie and joined one. It was so easy and I wish I did it sooner! Once a week I join my new friends and we shake our hips for an hour!

I’ve learned so much already and I can move my hips like never before!

Check Out some Belly Dance Here!

Dreamers, I hope this Wednesday Inspires you to go do one of those childhood dreams you said you would do when you were a ‘grown up’- but haven’t done ! go and do it! make the child in you smile! I promise you dreamers, it’s worth it!

xo Molly


Wonderful Wednesday!

Happy Wonderful Wednesday!

Let’s get weird, Let’s get wacky and Let’s get Wonderful!

I’m going to celebrate it by sharing..

My Admiration for Ke$ha!


I’m sure you’ve all heard of Ke$ha, and I’m sure most of you will say”Seriously?! She’s terrible.” But I disagree!

She’s fun and outgoing! and to me, she represents my “badass” side.. (which I don’t actually have, but listening to her makes me feel pretty badass)


Sure she sings about inappropriate things, but who doesn’t? she’s a tad bit crazy and wacky and I feel I can connect with her. she’s great, and I support her style. I used to have certain outfits where I felt I certainly dressed like Ke$ha. She’s beautiful!


We all have our favourites… and dreamers, Ke$ha is mine!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

Get Wacky!

xo Molly

Wonderful Wednesdays!


Hey there dreamers!

Todays Wonderful, Wacky, and Weird way to celebrate the mid-week day is by.. DUN DUN DUN DUUUUN 

Telling you all about my little cactus child!!cactusCollage

I’m about to show all of you my Mommy Molly” side dreamers!

I don’t have a great green thumb, but I like the idea of growing something from a seed and taking care of it! They become something so beautiful! Unfortunately, I’m always forgetting to water the poor things! I’ve had a couple unsuccessful tries at being a “plant parent”,So my mother resorted to buying me fake flowers and putting them in a pot , it’s the same idea right?

Back in January I was at Ikea with my bestie just for the hell of it. We roamed every isle, and we eventually roamed around the Ikea plants. I was drawn to the cacti because they looked so bad ass! we both looked at iesle other and were like

“yup were getting one!”

We spent the whole car ride home deciding on names for our new cacti children. We finally decided to name them after greek goddesses (because their so badass too). She named hers after Aphrodite, the goddess of love,beauty and sexuality. While I named mine after Asteria, the goddess of stars, prophetic (Prophetic- Accurately describing or predicting what will happen in the future) dreams, and necromancy (practice of communicating with the dead). The communicating with the dead part is a little strange but other wise its pretty cool

Asteria is just so cute! I must say that I found my fit plant though, I only need to water her maybe twice a month and put her out in the sun! She’s a beauty, she’s even grown 3 cm since january! I’ve changed her pot about 3 times now ! I needed to find the perfect pot for my baby cactus! She’s such a sweetie! She’s even cuddled with my cat.. yes I repeat, cuddled with my cat! I found one of my cat’s whiskers attached to Asteria!


{poor kitty probably didn’t enjoy that snuggle!}

Work on your green thumbs dreamers!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

xo Molly

Wonderful Wednesdays!


Let’s Celebrate !

Hmmm.. Weird and Wacky and Wonderful...

I got it!!



I’m almost and etch-a-sketch PRO!

It all started when I used to spend my weekends at a cottage with my family when I was younger. This cottage was full of games and stuff for my brother I to do together. I was all for it! playing games and hanging out with my younger brother sounded good to me. But not to my brother..he preferred to pretend he was an only child.. so he’d ignore me, and go fishing and what not. After accepting this fact, I would try to find things to do on my own; tan, listen to music, nap and read. Then In the games cupboard I found a classic red etch-a-sketch (a little beat up, but still good!) so I spent the weekends of the summer on the dock or in the sun room practicing this etch-a-sketch! I got really good quickly!

A Year later My little brother bought me a brand new pink etch-a-sketch for my birthday! I guess he was thinking that way he could ignore me at home too ! 

So I think this qualifies as Weird, Wacky and Wonderful.. don’t you?

Have a Wonderful Wednesday Dreamers!

xo Molly

Wonderful Wednesdays!


It’s that exciting day once again, the day to celebrate the mid-point of the week! WOOT WOOT!!

It’s so wonderful, because once again I’m going to celebrate today by showing my weird and wacky side!

so what could be more weird and wacky than my overalls obsession?

well.. you know how some people are utterly disgusted by feet?



I actually think some are kind of cute! I even have a pair of feet earrings!

I don’t see anything gross about a normal pair of feet.. they’re just skin and bones! It’s not even a social taboo to have your feet showing (normally).

You can; paint your toenails to make them pretty, and clean and moisturize them to make them smell good!

( Don’t get me wrong.. I may consider them disgusting if the owner doesn’t take care of them!)


xo Molly

Wonderful Wednesdays!

Happy Wonderful Wednesday Dreamers!

I don’t know about you… but I love Wednesdays! Not only does it mean one more day of pouring coffee (To get my well deserved 2 days off) but it means the week its self is half way over! To celebrate this, I believe it is necessary to be weird and wacky!

So Here is to my weird and wacky side..


Overall Collage


you may be asking yourself:  “how is this weird and wacky?”

well do you own 4 pairs of overalls? and wear them as much as possible without people thinking you don’t have any other articles of clothing?

If you do own 4 or more pairs of overalls then you’re pretty cool in my books, and I think you’d agree with me when I say they’re pretty comfy! am I right? Also to have people recognize you have a wardrobe and are still able to wear them like ALL THE TIME is impressive too! So congrats.

{“Timbit” (Tim Horton’s Humour) of advice to all you overall models; DO NOT try to pee in a bush wearing overalls… there’s just too much going on!}


Have A Wonderful Wednesday Dreamers!

xo Molly